RTL 4 immediately removes Eiland Talk from the tube: ‘Low viewing figures’

RTL 4 removes the Island Talk program by presenter Luuk Ikink from the tube immediately, because almost no one is watching it. “Apparently there is less need for it.”


The current ‘all stars’ season of Expedition Robinson is currently disappointing on the Thursday evening of RTL 4. The subsequent commentary, Eiland Talk, was even downright bad in recent weeks. Last week, for example, 280 thousand people (6% market share) watched it, while Robinson attracted 729 thousand viewers (14%).

Not good enough

Presenter Luuk Ikink indicates that Island Talk will therefore no longer be broadcast on television from tonight. “Unfortunately, no more Island Talk on RTL4 tonight! Can think of all kinds of nice talks, but it just didn’t score well enough ?. With this edition of Expedition Robinson there is apparently less need to talk afterwards.”

AD media journalist Marcus den Blanken then joked: “You forget: it’s doing well on Videoland ?.”


Marcus finds it ‘really inexplicable’ why the current edition of Expedition Robinson does not catch on. Luuk then: “Robinson himself is doing well, of course, many people also look forward to Videoland and the like.. only Eiland Talk does not.”

“But maybe because the episodes are shorter, less need to get extra info? Less ‘reality’. 1 thing is certain: this is not my fault.. ”


One John explains to Luuk: “Do you also notice that viewers are completely done with conspiracies and the ‘us-knows-us I’ll keep my celebrity friends in the expedition’ mentality? Or does that only live in my environment?”

Luuk: “No conspiracies, for me that is just part of an expedition. This has also been the case since the beginning of the program, since the 2003 edition it has also been portrayed a bit more. I actually like the part myself so :)”


What will replace Island Talk on RTL 4? “Tonight Jinek will start immediately after Expedition!”

“But, for the enthusiasts: we will continue to make an Island Talk on RTL.nl. So we can finish the series right. And you would really like to see that, because the Expedition will be spectacular in the coming weeks!”
