RTL 4 does take Danny de Munk off the tube after being reported rape

Unlike SBS 6, RTL 4 does choose to remove Danny de Munk from the tube now that there is a report of rape against him. He is removed from the jury of I Can See Your Voice.

© RTL 4

Danny de Munk is under fire now that there is a report of rape against him and Yvonne Coldeweijer points out that this is not the only alleged victim of the folk singer. Where John de Mol’s SBS 6 chooses to continue with Danny as a jury member in the TV show De Hollandse Nieuwe, RTL 4 does draw a line.

Danny is out

RTL 4 has decided to remove Danny as a jury member of I Can See Your Voice, which will return for a fourth season after the summer. The other jury members in this program are Edsilia Rombley, Fred van Leer and Marieke Elsinga. The shooting of this will start next week.

A spokesperson for RTL says: “The investigation into the report coincides with the start of the recording period for a new season of I Can See Your Voice. We have discussed it with Danny and agree that he will not participate in the program under these circumstances.”

RTL is looking for a replacement

A last-minute replacement must now be found for Danny. “We have to look for someone else for this season.”

It will not take RTL much effort to find a Dutch celebrity willing, although it is to be hoped that the TV makers this time will finally look beyond the eternal Samantha Steenwijk and Francis van Broekhuizen.
