RSV epidemic in Belgium and now: airborne infection hits vooral baby’s | Inland

Also there is a significant risk of acute airborne infection due to RSV infection, aldus Sciensano. The RSV epidemic happened in the last year, when the virus was released in December.

RSV (respiratory syncytieel virus) is a virus that is present in the first instance of the bovenste airways, the neus and the Keel dus, aantast. When the population is over, the child has already been treated, the baby and the baby can also suffer from serious symptoms, including treatment and drug use. RSV is bovendien heel besmettelijk.

The Greek epidemic is not yet widespread in the country, but it is now being discussed by numerous national consultants for Greek battles in the next week

Wereldwijd lopen jaarlijks 33 million children on the vijf jaar de ziekte op. Dat suffers elk jaar dead 3.6 million hospitalizations and 100,000 dodelijke slachtoffers. The most popular slachtoffers are 95 percent younger in the dances. Het overgrote deel van de Kinderen the overlijden, komt uit Lage- en gemiddelde-inkomenslanden.

The Greek epidemic is currently not present in the country, but the first warning of influenza infections has been reported in large quantities. Het aantal mensen with COVID-klachten bleef and weer stable.
