RSI complaints? ‘You can’t solve that by buying a repairable desk’ | Healthy

Stiff neck, cramp in your shoulders or tingling fingers? According to physiotherapist Jair Winkelman, RSI complaints have increased considerably due to the many homework. What can you do if you have complaints and how can you prevent RSI?

RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury and is also known by the abbreviation CANS (complaints of the arm, neck and/or shoulder). The complaints are usually caused by repeated movements or by staying in the same position for a longer period of time. RSI does not only occur in people with an office job, hairdressers, musicians and butchers also suffer from it.

According to Winkelman, the increased RSI complaints can be caused, among other things, by the fact that people do not have a good workplace at home. “For example, they work with their laptop at the kitchen table or don’t have a decent desk chair.”

Complaints always return

Still, it’s too easy to think that RSI can be prevented by just improving your work environment, says Tom de Weert, physiotherapist and owner of ANSR Fysio. “It’s about the repetition of movements, which do not change by purchasing an adjustable desk,” says De Weert. “The symptoms may initially seem to diminish or disappear completely, but they will always return.”

You are therefore not there with only arranging your workplace ergonomically. “Micropauses help,” says De Weert. “Go get some coffee or just do something other than typing and mice.” It also helps to avoid stress and drink plenty of water. “You may have to go to the toilet a little more often, which is an extra walk.”

Train your bigger muscles

Winkelman: ,,Another way to remind yourself to change your position or to stand up is to set an alarm. Then immediately take a short break, you hardly lose any time, while it can increase your productivity.”

Finally, De Weert gives a tip that intensive strength training can also help. “Preferably with heavy weights, which raises your heart rate. This can help because you are ‘expending’ small muscles during the day. If you then train your larger muscles, it is good for blood circulation in your body.”

Can’t figure it out yourself? Then you can go to a physiotherapist with RSI complaints. In addition, it can also help to follow exercise therapy such as Mensendieck and Cesar, where you learn to improve your posture and way of moving. on independer Read more about reimbursements through your health insurance.
