RPG hit “Elden Ring” in the test

In the action role-playing game “Elden Ring” death is part of the gameplay. This promises many painful moments of frustration for players for whom no challenge is too great.

“Demon’s Souls”, “Dark Souls”, “Bloodborne” – the games of the Japanese cult development studio From Software are not only dark in name.

An immensely high level of difficulty and many spooky moments have earned the studio numerous loyal fans who call their favorite games “Soulsbornes”. With “Elden Ring” the mass market is now to be conquered.

That’s why they enlisted the help of Game of Thrones author George RR Martin. Now everyone involved sheepishly admits that his part in the game was small and that it has been over for some time. This dubious publicity stunt didn’t affect the game negatively though.

The art of failure

The world of “Elden Ring” is a picturesque natural idyll and a nightmare at the same time. One moment players are riding comfortably through the land as proud warriors and the next moment deformed trolls or huge fire-breathing dragons appear.

Once you open a chest without knowing it and you end up in a mine bursting with monsters. Or suddenly a giant crab appears from the spongy waters and shreds the fighters with its claws.

Celebrity involvement?
Combat, magic, ghosts – so all a bit like Game of Thrones? The involvement of fantasy author George RR Martin in “Elden Ring” was probably rather small.Photo: Bandai Namco/dpa-tmn

The message is clear: don’t be careless, death is waiting around every corner. Fans have internalized this creed since the first official Soulsborne game, Demon’s Souls. In a video game world that was striving to make everything simpler and more accessible to a mass market in 2009, Dark Knight’s Adventure came as a culture shock.

From Software and chief designer Hidetaka Miyazaki were unyielding: merciless battles with swords, lances and axes against zombies and other monsters, at the end of which the loss of half the game’s progress could be lost. That’s why it was normal for players to struggle for hours or days against a particularly difficult opponent.

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Hardcore gaming for the mass market

Is that still fun? It seems so. The fan base has grown steadily in recent years. With “Elden Ring” it should be even bigger. To do this, the studio not only returns to its roots in the European Middle Ages, but also relies on the popular open-world genre.

The open game world turned out splendidly. Right from the start, players can roam the world for hours to explore every wonder, no matter how outlandish. Visually, it looks impressive on the new consoles from Sony and Microsoft, only on the PC, regardless of the configuration, the game struggles with stutters and other technical defects.

Close to digital death
Looks like cowboys in the sunset, but it’s a tough duel on digital life or digital death.Photo: Bandai Namco/dpa-tmn

But what is there to discover in this sprawling fantasy world! There is one ruin after the next, over a swamp you suddenly end up in an almost sunken city and in a silent procession believers with two trolls transport a delivery truck through the area. This somewhat confused mix of jousting, dark fantasy epic and Lovecraftian horror moments confuses players and impresses at the same time.

Tactics and patience required

Whether that makes sense is a legitimate question. It’s about powerful runes and who rises to the throne as the Elden prince in the end. More is not revealed from the hints and references. Despite all the puzzles and visual wonders, the exploration ends in relentless combat. Where in other games wild button-pushing leads to success, “Elden Ring” requires tactics and patience from the players.

Any opponent, no matter how small, can quickly mean the end for a hothead. That’s why at the beginning you have to cram to learn the attack patterns by heart. Sometimes they can be blocked, sometimes a little dodging will do, sometimes a perfectly executed counter. This often takes hours with larger opponents who rise towering in front of players. Nothing is rushed here – “Elden” Ring is the discovery of slowness in the fast-paced video game world.

Few clues
Hello big magic tree: What “Elden Ring” is really about and how to get there, players have to figure out for themselves for the most part.Photo: Bandai Namco/dpa-tmn

As in any role-playing game, there are experience points, here called runes. The daring warriors and magicians can use them not only to improve their strength and life points, but also to buy goods. You can also create your own potions with the appropriate tools. But beware: the runes are also lost with death. Only those who bravely fight their way back to the scene of the crime can save them again.

Glorious difficult adventure

This high level of difficulty is both a blessing and a curse. The fans love to spend hours tinkering with tactics and the right equipment in masochistic devotion. Newcomers, on the other hand, throw in the towel after just a few hours. The development studio doesn’t make it easy for them. Essential game mechanics are not explained, there is hardly any introduction and the menu control is complicated and confusing. If you start “Elden Ring” completely innocently, you jump into very cold water.

Dark atmosphere
Dark castles and the sky is full of gloomy planes – “Elden Ring” doesn’t skimp on typical fantasy themes.Photo: Bandai Namco/dpa-tmn

Therefore, it is not reprehensible to get help. In the game, adventurers can summon spirits that help in battle. The co-op mode attracts other players who sometimes leave more or less useful tips on writing boards. If you don’t know what to do next, you can browse the numerous Internet fan forums. Here are tips on tactics or explanations of each game secret. The principle of the series includes the enigmatic and cryptic of the game world.

Only those who peer into every corner and talk to every computer-controlled character will understand all facets. It takes a lot of time, dedication and patience. When, after dozens of hours, the last enemy has finally been defeated, players can proudly claim to have mastered one of the most difficult and magnificent action role-playing games of recent years. Elden Ring is hard as hell, but it’s also pretty damn good.

“Elden Ring” by From Software published by Bandai Namco. playable on pc, PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox One/Series. Costs: around 70 euros, USK from the age of 16.
