Royal decoration for Sandie de Leeuw-Fuhler from Barger-Oosterveld

72-year-old Sandie De Leeuw-Fuhler was appointed Knight in the Order of Orange Nassau this afternoon by Mayor Eric van Oosterhout of the municipality of Emmen. She received this award, among other things, for her many years of work (almost twenty years) as chairman of De Zonnebloem’s Barger-Oosterveld department.

The ribbon was presented to her during the fiftieth anniversary of the Zonnebloem, Barger-Oosterveld department. Together with all the volunteers, she is committed to giving people with physical disabilities a carefree holiday. She is also part of the regional board of De Zonnebloem and is involved as a volunteer with the Roman Catholic Parish of De Goede Herder.
