Royal award for versatile volunteer Gerard Vogelzang

Gerard Vogelzang has been appointed Member of the Order of Orange-Nassau tonight in Alteveer because of his years of volunteer work in the twin village of Alteveer-Kerkenveld. Mayor Inge Nieuwenhuizen presented the royal award at the marquee of the village festival of Alteveer-Kerkenveld.

This happened during the award ceremony of the Alkeloop, a running competition that takes place every year during the festive week. The Alkeloop exists 50 years and Vogelzang has been active for the organization for almost 30 years. From 2012 to 2018, the former resident of Kerkenveld was chairman of the party committee of the party week.

The 65-year-old volunteer is also a familiar face at football club VVAK. He has been treasurer for the club for more than 35 years and is also involved in the maintenance of the sports park as a volunteer. In the past, he has already received the KNVB’s gold appreciation pin for his services to the football club.

“He is the kind of man who always wants to help. No one appeals to him in vain”, the municipality of De Wolden explains the award. “His contribution ensures a strong village community. His commitment and energy connects people.”
