Roy Donders prohibits media questions about orientation: ‘Enough!’

Roy Donders forbids the show media to ask questions about his orientation. The reality star is now a tough macho and no longer wants to talk about his rosy past.

© Shownews

The days when Roy Donders held housewrap parties with his friends are long gone. Nowadays he’s with some chick and he’s playing the macho man. Although the show media is curious about what is behind that transformation, the reality star absolutely does not want to talk about it anymore.

Hundred degrees

Roy gave an interview to Shownieuws yesterday about his new real-life soap on discovery+ and in it he indicates that his life is very different now. At least, a hundred degrees different. “My life is of course a hundred degrees different from before. The series is also really about me and Michelle.”

What do we get to see in that soap opera? “Yes everything. People can see everything. I discussed everything very well with Michelle. As long as this (indicates genitalia, ed.) remains covered, I think it’s fine. No, we’re going to show everything. Sure, yes.”

Versace packages

Presenter Dyantha Brooks after the item in the studio: “I can already see small Versace packages and I saw that he had a Versace poster at home. That will be a chic baby.”

Colleague Bart Ettekoven surprised: “I think it’s funny that you associate that with chic, Versace.”

Dyantha: “Sarcastic, huh?”

Bart: “Oh, fortunately. I also have a very different association with that.”

No interviews

But what about Roy and his fickle nature? Patty Brard: “He has decided not to talk about his sexual preferences or orientation in interviews anymore, because he thinks that has been discussed enough now.”

She continues: “He’s with Michelle now, Michelle still has a little fear of the camera and she doesn’t do interviews, but he’s decided to make that deal with Discovery and have everything up to the birth on the screen.”

Camera anxiety

Anouk Smulders surprised: “Fear of the camera?! The whole birth will be on it in a moment.”

Hopefully it pays well. Or is that not right? Bart: “I know what they paid Jaimie Vaes at the time, and those are not very shocking amounts. You can buy a nice Versace shirt with it.”

Patty: “It is also exposure and Roy could use that right now.”
