Roxane Knetemann sleeps poorly after rumors of retirement from VI

Roxane Knetemann finds it difficult to deal with negative publicity. The rumor that she was canceled by Today Inside also affects her. “I don’t sleep well then.”


Eighteen months ago, Roxane Knetemann thought she was going to make it big after a few performances in Today Inside. She immediately envisioned an entire TV career and even planned to present Studio Sport. It turned out to be incredible overconfidence, because the screen test she subsequently recorded was really historically bad.

Roxane sleeps poorly

Roxane has seen her dream shattered and nowadays we hardly even see her at VI anymore. Perhaps it has been cancelled, ratings authority Tina Nijkamp wondered last week.

The result? Roxane was immediately completely upset at home. “I had a rough week, yes. There was speculation about my canceled status with you. Yeah, I didn’t know about it. I think it’s just because I spend less time with you. I don’t understand it, but it makes you sleep a little less well,” she says in Wilfred Genee’s radio show The Friday Move.

‘Are you pregnant?’

To make matters worse, Roxane also received a gossip magazine. “In addition, one of our well-known gossip magazines in the Netherlands also asked if I was pregnant. But no. Here I am: I am not pregnant. But then I start thinking again: maybe I should go to the gym more.”

She continues: “What did I do this morning? I rode an exercise bike for the first time in five years. I never thought I would do that after I quit because it’s just not fun. Cycling is fun in the open air, but not on an exercise bike in a garage.”

Not good in the market

Wilfred Genee finds it striking that Roxane reacts this way to some external trivialities. “But something nagged in your head: I have to work on myself a bit, because people think I am pregnant and have been cancelled. From: I am no longer in a good position in the market. You’re taking that with you, right?”

Roxane: “In the beginning I didn’t know how to deal with it. I notice now… Exactly two years ago I was allowed to sit at the bar with you and that really changed a lot. A lot of people watch your program and then suddenly I got a face. That was a lot of fun, it gave me a lot of energy and I thought: I can take on the world.”

Sidekick every day

That bubble has now burst: Roxeanne apparently has more sleepless nights than airtime. Sometimes she still daydreams about a successful TV career. “From: why am I not always a sidekick somewhere every day? I can really dream away in that. I want to be in a very nice program.”

Wilfred: “By the way, I also saw that you have a sugar daddy and had inherited something. They just throw everything into publicity with you, don’t they?”

Roxane: “I have an uncle, he is not a sugar daddy and indeed: there was all kinds of gossip in one of those gossip magazines.”
