ROUNDUP: South Africa wants to suspend corona alarm plan – reforms planned

JOHANNESBURG (dpa-AFX) – South Africa wants to suspend its national Covid alert plan after two years and rebuild its economy after the devastating consequences of the corona restrictions through far-reaching reforms. Without giving specific dates for the abolition, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced in a TV speech to the nation on Thursday evening: “South Africa needs a new consensus.”

Structural reforms are needed to attract investors; this also included modernization of the infrastructure. A corresponding framework plan is to be drawn up within the next 100 days. By removing cumbersome and unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles, the state must create a new environment in which the private sector can thrive. He extended a Corona aid fund by one year.

The police will be increased by 12,000 people – also as a consequence of unrest last July, for which Ramaphosa also sees the government as responsible for belated and uncoordinated action. In addition, there will be personnel changes at the top of the security authorities.

In addition, the industrialization of cannabis products in the country is imminent. You have the potential for a total of 130,000 new jobs. Obsolete coal-fired power plants are to be replaced by more climate-friendly energy sources in the medium term. Visas are also to be simplified for tourists and foreign experts. There is currently a review of the previous provisions. Special start-up visas are also considered.

For the first time in the country’s history, the speech had to be held in Cape Town’s City Hall, as the historic parliament building was severely damaged by a major fire earlier in the year. At the end of 2021, the country in Africa most severely affected by the Covid pandemic lifted most of the restrictions due to falling infection rates – they had a devastating impact on the economy, which is suffering from power shortages. The state is currently at the lowest level of the five-level alarm plan./rek/DP/he


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