ROUNDUP/Kiev: 20,000 Ukrainians prevented from escaping – the night at a glance

KIEV (dpa-AFX) – Since the beginning of the Russian invasion more than 18 months ago, the Ukrainian border guards have prevented more than 20,000 conscripts from escaping the country. “In total, the border guards have arrested around 14,600 people who wanted to leave Ukraine illegally since February 24 last year,” said border guard spokesman Andriy Demchenko on news television on Tuesday. In addition, around 6,200 men were caught with forged exit permits.

Many Ukrainians try to evade military service. Demchenko said that fugitives were mainly picked up at the “green border” to Romania and the Republic of Moldova. It is mainly about men between the ages of 18 and 60 years. The authorities had already announced that at least 19 men had drowned in the Tyssa (Theiss) river alone, which separates Ukraine from Romania and Hungary. Some also froze to death escaping through the Carpathians.

At the beginning of the war, a general mobilization was ordered, including a ban on leaving the country for conscript men between the ages of 18 and 60. According to the EU statistics agency Eurostat, however, more than 650,000 Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 64 are registered as refugees in the 27 EU countries and in Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Ukrainian authorities are considering obtaining the extradition of illegally departed conscripts from EU and other countries. The sale of military exemption documents is booming in Ukraine. After a wave of raids with arrests in the conscription offices ordered by President Volodymyr Zelenskyj, the price for such papers is now more than 10,000 euros, according to the judiciary.

Selenskyj assures soldiers of new equipment

After his visit to the troops in the contested regions of Donetsk and Zaporizhia, Zelenskyi once again promised the soldiers new equipment. “There will be new deliveries,” said the head of state in a video message. He recounted his conversations with commanders and military doctors during his trip near the frontline. Accordingly, Zelenskyj visited 13 brigades.

He will convey the soldiers’ demands to generals, government officials and those in charge of international relations. He did not give details. The day before, Zelenskyi said that the talks also touched on the insufficient staffing of some combat units and a lack of certain types of ammunition. In addition, the need for drones and weapons to defend against enemy drones and logistical issues were discussed.

For months, Ukraine has been waging a counter-offensive to liberate its territories occupied by Russia. In addition to the Zaporizhia and Donetsk regions, these also include Cherson and Luhansk. In addition, the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, which was annexed by Moscow in 2014, is to be recaptured.

In its defense against Russian attacks, Ukraine relies primarily on Western weapons and ammunition, including supplies from Germany. Anti-aircraft missile explosions were heard in the capital Kiev early in the morning. For the time being, nothing was known about damage or victims.

Manufacturer: More than 100 kills with the Iris-T air defense system

According to the manufacturer, the modern German air defense system Iris-T has repelled more than 100 air attacks in Ukraine, including those with cruise missiles and drones. “We have an almost 100% kill rate, that’s what the Ukrainian military is reporting back to us,” said Harald Buschek, a managing director at manufacturer Diehl Defence. So far there have been “over 100 successful kills,” he said.

The federal government has so far left two of the systems to Ukraine, another will be delivered “shortly” and four more should follow later, said Buschek. The system “saves lives there every day,” said Air Force Chief Ingo Gerhartz, referring to the mission in Ukraine.

According to the manufacturer, the Iris-T SLM air defense system enables protection against attacks by aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and short-range ballistic missiles. It can fire at targets up to 20 kilometers high and 40 kilometers away. So a kind of protective screen is stretched over an area. In terms of range, one of the systems could protect a medium-sized city such as Nuremberg or Hanover, for example. Germany has ordered six of the air defense systems for its own use. The first is to be sent to the next year armed forces be delivered.

What will be important on Wednesday

After the dismissal of Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, the appointment of the designated successor Rustem Umerov is expected in Kiev this Wednesday. The previous head of the Fund for State Assets will primarily have the task of taking action against corruption in the military and international allies

– like Reznikov before – to persuade Ukraine to continue arms and

Provide ammunition for the fight against the Russian invasion./mau/DP/zb
