ROUNDUP: Chemical union demands 6 to 7 percent more wages

HANNOVER (dpa-AFX) – The IG BCE union wants to attract six to seven percent more money into the upcoming chemical collective bargaining round. The leadership of the union decided on this recommendation, as they announced on Tuesday in Hanover. The chemical union’s Federal Collective Bargaining Commission still has to approve the proposal in April after discussions at the grassroots level. This is usually considered a formality. The negotiations are then scheduled to start in mid-April.

“This is a moderate demand recommendation,” said IG-BCE collective bargaining board and chemical negotiator Oliver Heinrich. “It doesn’t overwhelm anyone on the company side – but it helps a lot of people on the workforce side.” The industry’s approximately 585,000 employees would have to be relieved of the consequences of inflation through a sustained increase in wages.

The employers’ association BAVC immediately rejected the demand as excessive. “The demands of IG BCE for the coming collective bargaining round are neither crisis-appropriate nor financeable,” said Managing Director Klaus-Peter Stiller. Production and sales in the industry have recently fallen significantly and there is no growth in sight this year either. “In 2024, chemistry is heading for a crisis collective bargaining round,” said Stiller. “If there are no increases, we can’t distribute any.”

In addition to wage demands, the union wants to stipulate benefits for its members in the collective agreement. Better protection against dismissal for union members or higher subsidies for sick pay or short-time work benefits are conceivable, it said. The union wants to make membership more attractive.

The employers’ association also rejected this request. “Differentiation based on union membership divides the workforce and is not accepted by employers,” said Managing Director Stiller./fjo/DP/jha

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