ROUNDUP/Altmaier: Schwerin had signaled criticism of the Nord Stream Foundation

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania decided in 2021 to secure the construction of the Baltic Sea gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 with the now controversial foundation, although the then Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier said he had concerns. Before the decision was made, Altmaier (CDU) had been consulted by his then state colleague Harry Glawe (CDU) and the then Schwerin energy minister and today’s interior minister Christian Schwachen (SPD) – with the result “that the project raised concerns for me at the time”, as Altmaier told the German Press Agency. “I had found out about the project a few days before the phone call, so I had enough time to deal with all the political aspects and form an opinion.”

Altmaier’s account corresponds to that of Glawes, who reported to “Welt am Sonntag” that he was commissioned by the cabinet under Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) to speak to Altmaier. He called Altmaier two days before the state parliament decision. The latter had given him to understand that he was “not amused” about the plan with the foundation. “I then informed the State Chancellery that the enthusiasm in Berlin was limited,” said Glawe of the “WamS”. For his part, according to the newspaper, the level did not comment on request.

Prime Minister Schwesig had explained that the Federal Government at the time was informed about the establishment of the foundation. The foundation was largely financed with funds from the Nord Stream company and, in addition to climate protection, was intended to ensure that the gas pipeline from Russia could be completed despite US sanctions against the companies involved. After the Russian attack on the Ukraine, Schwesig – like the current federal government – moved away from it. She spoke out in favor of dissolving the foundation, but is now facing massive criticism because of the tricky construct.

Altmaier justified his public silence at the time with consideration for the state parliament. “After careful consideration, I refrained from publicly criticizing the project because, formally, it was ultimately a matter of a decision by the parliament of a federal state within the framework of its competence, which should not be publicly criticized by the federal government, out of respect for the Federal-state relationship,” he told dpa./and/DP/mis
