ROUNDUP 3/exchange of blows in the Bundestag: Scholz defends paradigm shift

(New: Baerbock, 8th paragraph)

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – About a month after the start of the Russian war in Ukraine, Chancellor Olaf Scholz defended his decision to rearm and set a new political course. In the general debate on the budget in the Bundestag on Wednesday, he promised Ukraine further aid, but at the same time drew a clear line for NATO involvement. The opposition made it clear that they want to be more than just the majority procurer for the paradigm shift of the red-green-yellow government.

“The CDU/CSU parliamentary group is not the substitute bench from which you can get substitute players onto the field at will if you don’t have your own majority,” emphasized Union faction leader Friedrich Merz as the opening speaker of the general debate. In doing so, he spoke above all of the planned EUR 100 billion investment pot for the Bundeswehr. The traffic light coalition wants to change the Basic Law and needs votes from the opposition to do so. However, Merz emphasized that they would not issue a blank check, but wanted to have a say in how the money would be used.

In a six-point catalogue, he set out the conditions for the Union’s approval: the federal government must spend more than two percent of economic output on defense permanently and not just temporarily. The CDU and CSU wanted to have a say in the purchases via an advisory committee. SPD leader Saskia Esken then accused Merz on Twitter of not saying a word about the plight of the people in Ukraine in his speech.

Scholz defended his plans, but also took a step towards Merz. It is completely ok that the head of the Union parliamentary group expresses his ideas and that they will be discussed. “It should be something we do together for our country,” stressed the Chancellor. He promised that all investments, secured in the Basic Law, would benefit alliance and defense capability.

At the same time, Scholz assured that no compromises would be made on climate protection because of the war and its consequences. “The long overdue investments in defense and security are not at the expense of the urgently needed transformation to a climate-neutral economy or at the expense of good, future-oriented jobs, affordable energy, fair pensions and an efficient health system,” he emphasized. When it comes to climate protection, the motto shouldn’t be “Slow down now” but “Now more than ever”.

Scholz was impressed by how German citizens were dealing with this new crisis. That shows “how much good there is in our country,” he said. “Major crises are always an impetus for new beginnings and change,” said the Chancellor. He mentioned the paradigm shift with arms deliveries to Ukraine, but also new paths in energy policy. The war in Eastern Europe works like a magnifying glass: “Because it brings us to supposedly new priorities that are in fact long overdue.”

Scholz assured Ukraine of the solidarity of the Federal Republic. “President Zelenskyy, Ukraine can count on our help,” he said. Germany has been supplying weapons and equipment since the beginning of the war, and together with its partners sanctions have been imposed that are second to none. These had an effect and were also constantly being sharpened.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock later announced that Germany was currently supplying more Strela anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine. “Further Strela deliveries are on their way,” said the Green politician during the debate on the Federal Foreign Office’s budget. Ukraine has received 500 of these anti-aircraft missiles so far. Originally there was talk of up to 2700.

However, Chancellor Scholz gave a clear rejection of a no-fly zone controlled by NATO or NATO peacekeeping forces in Ukraine. It must remain the case that there should be no direct military confrontation between NATO and Russia. “NATO will not become a party to the war,” emphasized Scholz.

He again called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the war in Ukraine immediately. “The guns must be silent – immediately,” said Scholz. “Putin needs to hear the truth about the war in Ukraine,” said the Chancellor. “And that truth is: War is destroying Ukraine. But with war, Putin is also destroying Russia’s future.”

The leader of the Greens, Katharina Drge, called for people to talk about the atrocities of the war – no matter how unbearable the pictures and stories may be. “The world needs to know the truth – because nothing fears Putin anymore,” she said. At the same time, the war is also forcing Germany to make new decisions, “and for us that also includes the decision to invest in our own and in European security.”

FDP parliamentary group leader Christian Drr also defended the planned billion-euro investments. “Neglecting the troops was a historic mistake, and this coalition government will now correct that historic mistake,” he said. It is also true that the coalition has broken a taboo and is supplying weapons to a conflict area. The AfD, on the other hand, strictly rejected the arms deliveries.

The left accused the government of neglecting social investments. Billions are available for upgrading the Bundeswehr, and at the same time every fifth child grows up in poverty. The coalition burdens people by not taking action against high energy and food prices. “Rarely have citizens lost so much purchasing power in such a short time under a new government.” Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) is merely the “asset manager of the super-rich”.

Scholz announced additional relief across the board, but could not yet name any specific measures. That’s why the traffic light is currently struggling, now even at the level of the coalition leaders. Several support ideas are being discussed because of the high prices for fuel and heating. A coalition committee should bring a breakthrough on Wednesday evening./tam/DP/ngu
