ROUNDUP 2: US warns China in Taiwan conflict – Pistorius against isolation

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SINGAPORE (dpa-AFX) – US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has warned China against military action against Taiwan. “A cross-strait conflict would be devastating,” Austin said Saturday at Singapore’s Shangri-La Dialogue, an annual security conference. Such an escalation would affect the global economy “in ways we cannot imagine.” At the meeting, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius called for increased efforts to de-escalate the conflict over Taiwan.

“It doesn’t serve us to isolate China,” said the SPD politician after talks with his Chinese counterpart Li Shangfu. However, it is necessary to minimize one’s own risks and reduce dependencies. “It’s not going to help us cut the connection or isolate anyone,” he said. That is why the German line in the Indo-Pacific is also clear. “Nothing we do here is directed against anyone, but is explicitly aimed at a peaceful Indo-Pacific, open to all and safe,” Pistorius said.

In view of the threat posed by China and its disputed territorial claims, particularly in the South China Sea, the US Secretary of Defense highlighted the US’ increasing security cooperation with countries in the region. The US advocated a “free, open and secure Indo-Pacific” – with freedom of shipping and overflight for all countries.

No country alone should claim control of shared sea lanes, Austin said. The 2016 judgment of the Arbitration Court in The Hague, which rejected China’s claims in the South China Sea, is legally binding. The US supported its allies in the region in resisting coercive measures by China. “We do not seek conflict or confrontation,” Austin said. “But we will not shy away from harassment and coercion.”

This is particularly important in the Taiwan Strait straits, the Pentagon chief explained. The US rejected a “unilateral change in the status quo” from either side. From his point of view, a conflict is “neither imminent nor inevitable”. In any case, the US is determined to preserve peace and security in the Taiwan Strait, which is so important for global shipping and trade.

China regards Taiwan as part of the People’s Republic. However, the democratic island republic with a population of 23 million has had an independent government for more than seven decades.

China’s new Defense Minister Li Shangfu, who will give his speech on Sunday, once again threatened to conquer Taiwan after his arrival in Singapore: “We will never promise to refrain from using force,” Chinese state media quoted him as saying. “China must be united.”

On Saturday, China accused the US Secretary of Defense of “false allegations” for its response. Chinese delegation spokesman Jing Jianfeng said the US Indo-Pacific strategy is only a continuation of American hegemony.

Austin also expressed concern in his speech about the lack of communication between major powers China and the US, whose relations have hit rock bottom. Open communication links are particularly important for the armed forces and defense politicians on both sides, Austin said. “The right time for talks is now.”

Referring to a walk-by encounter the night before with General Li Shangfu, Austin said, “A hearty handshake over dinner is no substitute for a factual argument.” The Chinese side had rejected his request for a meeting with the counterpart on the sidelines of the conference. One point of contention is that the US imposed sanctions on the general in 2018, which Beijing is calling for to be lifted.

The United States remains committed to its one-China policy, according to which the leadership in Beijing is recognized as China’s legitimate government, Austin assured. At the same time, they wanted to preserve the status quo and adhere to the obligations under the US “Taiwan Relations Act,” which aims to promote Taiwan’s defense capabilities. So far, this has mainly meant arms deliveries. However, US President Joe Biden has repeatedly promised that US troops will also come to Taiwan’s aid in the event of a Chinese attack
