ROUNDUP 2/DWD: ‘Have to survive storm conditions until Monday’

(new: more details and background)

OFFENBACH (dpa-AFX) – Even on Sunday, the heavy storms and sometimes hurricane-force gusts are not over. “We still have to get through the storm situation until Monday,” said a meteorologist from the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach. After hurricane “Zeynep”, storm low “Antonia” is already sending a cold front ahead: The wind is picking up and can cause dangerous gusts, especially on Monday night. The weather only calmed down in the evening.

At night and in the morning (10 p.m. to 9 a.m.) there could be hurricane-like gusts in parts of the federal states of Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Thuringia, Saxony, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with showers and isolated thunderstorms, warned the DWD on Sunday afternoon. Uprooted trees, falling roof tiles and local lightning damage must be expected.

From Sunday evening, 9:00 p.m., the wind will increase significantly and move through the country from northwest to southeast in conjunction with a cold front, said the meteorologist. In the meantime, there is a risk of violent storms and hurricane-force gusts with wind speeds of up to 115 km/h. Heavy showers and thunderstorms are to be expected. The DWD announced hurricane gusts for the night, especially in the west. Hurricane-like gusts can also last until Monday morning on the Baltic Sea. Above the middle, however, the danger of severe gusts of wind is not quite as high.

In the morning the cold front reaches the foothills of the Alps. Especially in southern Bavaria, hurricane-like gusts cannot be ruled out. At noon the storm calmed down a bit. “But Monday will also be a windy, stormy day with lots of rain,” said the meteorologist. Snow falls above 400 to 600 meters. The maximum temperatures are between 5 and 11 degrees, in the mountains it stays a little cooler.

Towards evening the wind will be noticeably slowed down and from Tuesday the situation will relax significantly. “The wind will remain an issue for the week,” said the meteorologist. “However, that will be a completely different house number than what we are experiencing these days.”/mal/DP/jha
