Rotterdam one icon poorer: Luchtsingel partly demolished | NOW

The Rotterdam Luchtsingel is in such bad shape that it is partly demolished. The wood is so rotten in a few places that it is too dangerous to walk on it. It concerns the part from Pompenburg. The walking deck over the Raampoortstraat has also subsided. The municipality is looking at whether this piece can still be saved with extra support. For a while, then, because next year it seems that the curtain will finally fall for the Luchtsingel.

This week, part of the wooden footbridge behind Hofplein in the heart of the city was suddenly closed. Two staircases are boarded up and there are gates in various places. A note says there is danger. The municipality of Rotterdam did not want to say what was wrong on Tuesday because the city council had to be informed first.

That has now happened. Alderman Karremans (VVD, Buitenruimte) reports to the council that the construction is almost at the end of its lifespan. This has become apparent after a recent investigation by the City Management Department.

The part on the side at Pompenburg is in the worst condition. Because the wooden construction there is largely in the shade of trees, moisture can hardly escape. As a result, connections have started to rot. So much so that it is no longer safe to walk on it. In fact, this part up to the characteristic wooden course must be demolished quickly. There’s a new staircase going up there.

There is also a lot wrong with the part that goes over the tunnel to the Hofbogen. That too has subsided and is now closed. This subsidence is because a support point is no longer in order. The council will see if this can be fixed. After that, this part may be open again.

For a while, because the alderman reports: “The intended lifespan of this temporary construction will expire in 2023. The scenario, still assumed in January 2022, to retain the existing wooden construction for longer, no longer seems plausible based on the new information.” ‘

The municipality hopes to be able to report more about possible new construction of the connection by the end of this year. This all has to do with the building plans in the area around Pompenburg and the Hofbogen. It was already indicated earlier that a possible bridge will probably no longer be made of wood in order to prevent problems such as those in the future.

The Luchtsingel opened in 2015. It was the first winning City Initiative. With millions of euros from the municipality and crowdfunding, the connection between the Schieblock and the Hofbogen was constructed according to the design of the Rotterdam architectural firm ZUS. The architectural feat was a success almost from day one. Many tourists still manage to find the connection. In recent years it was clear that the quality of the wood was deteriorating rapidly.
