Rotations and hammering: this is why Berrettini is often injured

The modern game, all power of which Matteo is one of the main ones, is exhausting for oblique abdominals and joints. The cases of Murray and Del Potro also demonstrate this

Abdominal injuries and Matteo Berrettini, here we go again. The real Achilles heel of the Roman champion, rather than the backhand, seems to be precisely that annoyance, that stab in the abdomen, which cyclically (unfortunately more and more often) is pulled at him while he plays a match, the last of which in Acapulco . Assuming that certainly Matteo and his staff, medical and athletic, are already working on a problem they know perfectly well, there is no doubt that this type of injury, in addition to being extremely annoying, can also be a much more alarm bell. complex and general.
