Rotary and Rotaract support 250 students in the fight against hunger

Rotary and Rotaract support 250 students in the fight against hunger

Together with the financial support of Rotary District 2130, both organizations thus support the further expansion and specific activities of the Factual Association “Zonder Hunger Naar Bed in Roeselare”, by offering healthy breakfasts, among other things. But also in twelve primary or secondary schools that could really use the help, they gave a helping hand to meet the greatest needs of the schools.

The schools submitted a concrete proposal for targeted support. This involves a total sum of approximately 15,000 euros, which will be divided among the twelve schools.

“Poverty also exists here”

Emma Denys, responsible for Rotaract Mandeleie’s social projects, is satisfied: “The project has become larger and more complex than we initially estimated. But we are happy that we were able to work with our enthusiastic group of young people. Poverty also exists here. We should not let children go to school hungry, we should not let it happen passively.”

Targeting the problem

The chairman of Rotary Roeselare, Brecht Vermeulen, thought it was especially important to focus on the vulnerable students: “Rather than giving a broad group (a whole school or a whole class) the same offer, regardless of whether there is a great need or not, it was Rotary and Rotaract’s express task for the schools involved to target the children with the greatest detect needs and help them through our offer. Many schools stated that the need was more than current, and that many children – but also their parents – sometimes used to receive free leftovers from hot meals, unsold food at school activities, …. “

The support project was an immediate success and both Rotaract and Rotary are already thinking about a new edition next year.
