Rospotrebnadzor announced the universality of tests for COVID-19

Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images

All test systems used in Russia are capable of detecting coronavirus, regardless of the strain, said “RIA News” head of the scientific group of genetic engineering and biotechnology of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Cherkashina.

She clarified that the PCR tests used in Russia focus on the part of the SARS-CoV-2 genome that does not undergo such frequent changes and remains almost constant.

The expert explained that it is necessary to differentiate the Omicron and Delta strains from the point of view of epidemiology in order to control the development of the epidemiological situation, assess the likelihood of its complications and predict the burden on medical institutions. According to her, for this it is not necessary to test all the sick, it is enough to analyze samples of 5-10% of those infected in the region.

“Such work has been carried out by Rospotrebnadzor in relation to the Omicron strain for more than a month since December 2021,” Cherkashina noted.

In Russia, registered a test system for the detection of “omicron”

Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

This week, Roszdravnadzor registered a Russian test system for detecting the omicron strain of coronavirus, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) said. According to the FMBA, the system will allow to establish control over the circulation of the Omicron strain against the background of its “lightning-fast spread”.



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