Rosoll’s new form – Disappears quickly

This Christmas, Risto Mikkola decided to challenge himself.

Is there rot in the mouse or something else? Roni Lehti

Little Christmas offers as a veggie, without meat and fish. That’s the challenge that Chef Risto Mikkola set for himself.

Normally, Mikkola would put together salmon tartare, roe mousse and liver pâté, but now they had to develop replacements.

– I started thinking about what a vegetarian option would be, which I would also like to eat, says Mikkola.

He ended up making a substitute version of salmon tartare with carrots.

A few years ago, Porkkala was a big social hit. In it, the carrot is made into “salmon”.

– Carrots are great for this recipe, of course because of their color. And when you add seaweed mat to it, the salmon feeling is guaranteed, Mikkola promises.

The wonderful domestic root vegetables make it to Mikkola’s little Christmas table even as they are. Rosolli is also a bit new, because now bigger and bigger pieces of carrot and beetroot have been roasted in the oven. Similarly, the pickle is left a good size.

Roast the rind in the oven for a long time, so it becomes overripe and sweet. Grate the lantu with the thin blade of a grater. That’s how you get a paste-like dung. RONI LETHI

Although rosolli in particular is unfortunately often the most leftover delicacy at the Christmas table, Mikkola’s “rosolli” disappears quickly. This recipe should also be used at Christmas if the traditional rosolli doesn’t have enough friends at the Christmas table.

The role of liver pate was replaced by lantu and hummus. Roast a whole loin in the oven so that it is overcooked and sweet. Grated lantu is mixed with ready-made store-bought hummus, after which you have “liver pate”.

You can use a spoon to make beautiful, oval-shaped balls from the pastes, but you can also serve the pastes in cups.

Mikkola advises that you can also cook potatoes to accompany the pastes.

Here’s a slightly coarser rosolli. Roni Lehti

Carrot tartare

300 g of carrot

50 g of red onion

30 g of capers

1 tsp dill

Juice of ½ lemon

200 g of mayonnaise



1. Boil the carrots with their skins and cool.

2. Peel the carrots and dice them. Chop the red onion, dill and capers.

3. Mix all the ingredients together and season with salt and pepper. Check the taste and serve.

Caviar mousse

100 g of Caviart seaweed preparation

200 g sour cream

10 sprigs of dill

Juice of ½ lemon



1. Mix sour cream, seaweed, dill, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a bowl.

2. Whisk until stiff. Check the taste and enjoy.

Pickled mushrooms

½ dl brandy vinegar

1 dl sugar

1 ½ dl water

1 teaspoon of salt

200 g of dried chanterelles

1. Boil vinegar, sugar, water and salt in a pot.

2. Pour the hot broth over the chanterelles and leave to season overnight.

Roasted rosolli

200 g of carrot

200 g of onion

200 g of potato

200 g of beetroot

200 g of pickles

½ dl olive oil

1 tsp parsley, chopped

Juice of ½ lemon



1. Peel the roots and cut them into blocks or cubes of the same size.

2. Place on a baking sheet, pour olive oil on top, season with salt and pepper.

3. Mix and roast in a 200-degree oven for 20–30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Take the root vegetables out of the oven and cool.

4. Cut the pickled cucumber into cubes and mix with the roots, finally add chopped parsley and lemon juice, mix and serve.

Landthu hummus

225 g ready-made hummus (e.g. Baba Hummus)

300 g of lard

1. Put the lantu with the skin in the oven and cook at 200 degrees for one hour.

2. Check that the lantu is cooked, cool. Peel the fennel and grate with a fine blade.

3. Mix with hummus.

Malt bread

200 g of malted bread

50 g of butter

1. Fry the malted bread slices in butter until crispy and serve.

Kendermanns Organic 2022, Germany (€11.49)

Semi-dry and cheerfully fruity organic and vegan white wine finds its most perfect match in vegetable delicacies. The aroma of white wine has pear, lime, honeydew melon and light herbs. The taste world is semi-dry, mildly acidic and delicately aromatic. This wine is also a great companion wine for evening parties.
