Rosita Celentano on Instagram: Give yourself a peaceful old age

S.without prejudice and against all taboos. The latest Instagram post by Rosita Celentano is a hymn to time passes and the marks that the years leave on your body. The daughter of singer Adriano Celentano and actress Claudia Mori shared her thoughts on the idea of ​​old age on her social networks. Showing himself as he is and inviting everyone to treat themselves to a peaceful old age.

Rosita Celentano: “I’ll be a dignified old woman”

On February 17 of this year, Rosita Celentano died 57 candles. On Instagram shared two photos. She poses herself and looks the same with a blue shirt and hat but with a completely different face: in the first image, in fact, she appears as she is, in the second visibly younger, probably made with filters. An important comparison to underline the importance of the message transmitted.

I will be a dignified and radiant old woman” he wrote. Adding: «Knowing how to grow old inevitably leads us to nurture the right things on our path“. And then inviting them to live their years with serenity.

Treat yourself to a peaceful old age

Contrary to many women who, especially on social media, try to disguise their age, Rosita Celentano enhances a beauty that goes beyond any pattern. “I love my hair whitening, I accept with healthy irony the inevitable changes of the body and I laugh about it, more and more every time… And then it is intoxicating to know that you are doing the right thing, for you and for those who live there, “he wrote.

Clearing the ideal of pre-packaged beauty and inviting followers to treat themselves to a peaceful old age: “Give yourself a really important gift; treat yourself to a peaceful old age, far from false nails (vulgar!), from extention (ridiculous), from lips to dinghy and so on…”.

