Rosanna Kulju took antipsychotics during the filming of “Survivors” – Ikävät selukut

Today, Rosanna Kulju has stopped taking mood medications.

Rosanna Kulju has suffered from depression. Atte Kajova

Media personality Rosanna Kulju speaks in the latest What in mind? – podcast episode openly about the use of antipsychotics. Previously, Kulju has talked about his depression in a podcast.

Kulju says that he has been taking antipsychotics for depression for about two years. The dosage was increased several times and the increases caused Kulju side symptoms.

– I remember that at first I had nausea and diarrhea. They were always in connection with withdrawals, he describes in the podcast.

At the beginning of 2023, Kulju had asked his therapist to stop his medication. At the same time, however, several big things happened in Kulju’s life.

Kulju was leaving in March Survivors Finland – program descriptions. The therapist recommended that she take medication while filming the show. The therapist had said that this way his mind could be calmer.

– Well, that didn’t happen. But maybe it was quite reasonable that it wasn’t stopped. Then in March, a lot of everything else happened. My friend died, committed suicide. He also had mental health issues.

The death of a friend felt bad for Kulju.

– I really thought about things from many angles at the time and it also gave me a boost that I intend to manage with my own mind and live a good life and get my mental health under control.

In the spring of 2023, many changes took place in Kulju’s life. INKA SOVERI

At the same time, in March, Kulju broke up with his partner at the time. Although the separation took place in good spirits, giving up loved ones was difficult.

– At the same time that I lost my partner, I also lost his child, who was a really big part of me, he describes in the episode.

Eating medicine Survivors– was not a good idea in the description of the program, however. The survivors-contestants were on a very poor diet during filming, which is why he had to take medicine on an empty stomach.

– That’s why I was really sore there. I threw up and I was in really bad shape anyway, Kulju recalls in the episode.

Kulju says that today he can’t stand stress in the same way as before. He also wants to control the things happening around him more than usual.

What in mind? -podcast can be listened to in Podimo.
