Rosanna Kulju revealed her biggest dreams: “Now it’s been said”

Rosanna Kulju hopes for new winds on the labor front.

Rosanna Kulju would like to work as a presenter. INKA SOVERI

Survivors Finland – program media personality and entrepreneur Rosanna Kulju says on her Instagram account that expressing her dreams is difficult and even scary for her.

At the same time, however, he plans to tell one of his biggest dreams at the moment, which is related to working life.

– My next biggest dream is to host a TV show. I think I’d be good at it and I’d be at least as comfortable as a fish in water, Kulju reveals.

In the picture of the Instagram update, Kulju is writing notes in his notebook on the floor.

– Now it has been said elsewhere than in the notes of my own numerous notebooks. Exciting, Kulju continues.

Kulju’s social media followers have shared their own dreams in the comment field. At the same time, people say that Kulju would be a good fit for running jobs and that the dream is completely possible to realize.

In the comments, Kulju also talks about family and children. He says that another of his dreams is related to having his own child and family one day.

– It’s a wonderful dream, he adds.

When Kulju was younger, he thought that his life would be different at the age of 30. INKA SOVERI

Kulju participated this year Survivors Finland program. However, the scheming ended at the beginning of the program, as Kulju was eliminated from the island in second place. Kulju stated in the elimination episode that the TV show related to scheming and real gambling and Survivor Island was not the right place for a “sensitive emotional person”.

After the episode aired, Kulju said on his Instagram account that he had broken up with a relationship just before Survivorsdescriptions.

– Sometimes I feel loneliness and inadequacy, but those are just feelings that, fortunately, usually pass as quickly as they come. That’s normal—I’m not the only 32-year-old single woman who, when she was younger, thought her life was completely different at this point. It gives me comfort and a feeling that I’m not alone, he revealed on his Instagram account.

– Everything happens when it’s time. Now I live completely for myself, I set my own limits and reflect on my values. Besides, I live this chaos of life in all its colors, he added.

Kulju previously told iltalehti how he has invested in his well-being. IL-TV
