Rosa Chemical and the controversy of Fratelli d’Italia: “It makes proganda gender”

The deputy Maddalena Morgante of Fratelli d’Italia against Rosa Chemical

Editorial board

February 02

– Rome

The San Remo Festival it has always been accompanied by controversy and the 2023 edition is no different. After the question of the video of the Ukrainian president Zelensky, the rapper’s presence in the race is the cause of discussion Rosa Chemical. Speaking in the Chamber, the deputy of Fratelli d’Italia Maddalena Morgante attacked Amadeus asking for the rapper to be excluded.

Pink chemical disputed

Manuel Franco Rocati is the real name of Rosa Chemicalas the deputy recalled in her speech in the Chamber and in Sanremo, and will bring the song Made in Italy “to eliminate all the Italian stereotypes that exist in this country” as the rapper anticipated to Askanews. Words taken from Madeleine Morgante who, speaking in the courtroom, anticipated how in the song there will be “I apologize from now on for the terms I will use, sex, polygamous love and porn on Onlyfans”.

against the fluid revolution of Sanremo

The deputy went on to say that “the fluid revolution had already arrived at the Ariston theater some time ago, but transforming the San Remo Festival, which keeps families and children glued to the screen and is the emblem of conventional traditional TV, in the most gender fluid appointment ever is completely inappropriate”.Mr Morgante he continued by recalling how TV is still “the main information channel for citizens. And the major users of the medium remain minors and families. According to the deputy, the Festival “is in danger of becoming yet another spot in favor of gender and fluid sexuality, very sensitive themes that Fratelli d’Italia has always opposed. It is unacceptable that this happens on state television, which too often forgets its role as a public service, and not only with taxpayers’ money, but above all in front of the many children”.

Mr Morgante then went on to argue that, in the latest editions, the San Remo Festival “it has turned into real one-way propaganda, a condensation of the worst ideology that undermines the identity of men and women, aims at the desecration in a disrespectful way of the most important religious symbols”. In the light of all this, as Fratelli d’Italia, he called for a rethinking of Rai.

Who is rapper Rosa Chemical

Manuel Franco Rocati, aka Rosa Chemical, is a rapper born in Rivoli in 1998, his pseudonym is a tribute to his mother Rosa and My Chemical Romance, one of his favorite bands. In 2018 his first single arrives and in the same year he is also a Gucci testimonial. In addition to music, he is also passionate about graffiti. Last year he joined Tananai on duet night when they did it again You start making love by Raffaella Carrà. This year in the evening of the covers will have as a guest Rose Villain.
