Roosendaal sends a bus itself to pick up asylum seekers in Ter Apel

The fifty asylum seekers who would receive shelter in the municipality of Roosendaal on Wednesday are still waiting. A shortage of buses meant that the refugees were unable to make the journey from the application center in Ter Apel to West Brabant. That is why the municipality of Roosendaal has now hastily rented a bus to pick up the group.

“When the mayor heard that the refugees would come a day later, he thought that was unacceptable. If there is no bus from north to south, then the other way around,” said a spokesperson for the municipality of Roosendaal. “The bus left early in the evening, so it will be late.”

The refugees will be accommodated in a company building on the Majoppeveld. It is an emergency shelter, so it is provisional for three months. “We will enter into discussions with the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) about a longer reception period,” says the spokesperson.

Buses busy
The shelter in the Groningen village is packed. According to the COA, every effort has therefore been made to find rapid transport for the group of asylum seekers who can come to Roosendaal. Due to problems on the track in the north of the Netherlands, extra buses were already in use. There are also many buses on the way with school trips, the COA was told.

sleeping on a chair
It looked as if the asylum seekers had to spend the night on a chair in the waiting room of the Immigration and Naturalization Service IND in Ter Apel. “This is absolutely not what we want, but there is no other solution at the moment,” said COA spokesman earlier in the evening. Reason for the municipality of Roosendaal to take action.

ALSO READ: Roosendaal also temporarily receives refugees from Ter Apel
