Roos Schlikker attacked live on television: ‘So outraged!’

Roos Schlikker was attacked live on television last night by colleague Rutger Castricum. “I think you are a bit indignant. You also know how the television world works, I think.”

© SBS 6

Even Mien from Assen remembers that talk show guests are often canceled at the last minute. Not news at all, of course, but Roos Schlikker has gone completely out of her plate against a young editor who canceled her for HLF8. “What kind of retarded thing is that? You booked me, so I’ll just send an invoice!”

Afraid of Rose

Hélène Hendriks started about it last night in HLF8, where Roos was a guest this time. “Roos, I have to confess something: we wanted to call you off today, but I no longer dare to do that after your column.”

Roos laughing: “I’m an old, angry bitch, so that’s not possible!”

Hélène: “God, what kind of column was that, because it was about us. You got called off and you were angry.”

“Very strange!”

Rose: “Well, no. I was booked in advance, because sometimes you get a call on the day of: ‘Would you like to say something about this?’, and then they always say very well: ‘It can’t go on either.’ I always like that, doesn’t matter. But for this you are booked a few weeks in advance and then I got a call from a very sweet editor.”

It concerns editor Floris de Vree. “And he said: ‘Yes, we looked at tonight’s line-up and you don’t fit.’ Pants don’t fit! Isn’t that very strange? I say: ‘That’s okay, I’ll go look on the couch in my pajamas, but I’ll send an invoice.’ Yes of course! But I wasn’t very angry at all.”

Rutger attacks

Rutger Castricum, who is also sitting at the table, then gives Roos a big sneer. “But were you happy with that column afterwards? Because sometimes there are misses, right?”

Roos: “No, I am very satisfied with that column. Did you think he was stupid?”

Rutger: “You thought this was a good one? Well, I found it a bit indignant.”

‘Not really touching’

Rutger does not understand what Roos is so angry about. “Yes, you also know how the television world works, I think. And if you think so, then you say: ‘Well, then I won’t go anymore.’ I understand that you have to write a piece, but then you can also say afterwards: ‘This one was perhaps a little less touching.’”

Rutger himself says he is never canceled by HLF8. “I’m always happy when they forget me actually. They call me every time. Apparently it always fits!”


A quick summary of HLF8:
