Roos has her own candy store: ‘I’ve never done diets’ | Stories behind the news

“I had an uncle and he always had a party with cake and sweets. He was a real sugar daddy, the candy store is also named after him. For me, sweets have the association with cosiness. You can hand it out, it comes in every color and it makes people happy. Love is not for sale, but in my shop it is. A bag of candy makes people happy and can convey a thousand messages.

Do you drink a lot?

I sweeten every day, but not much. I like one candy, but not a whole bag. I like chocolate and licorice, but I don’t have a favorite candy. When my children were small, they were not allowed to snack indefinitely. When they were in the store they were not allowed to just put their hands in all the candies with candy. At home we didn’t really have a candy cane, so my children were allowed to choose a candy when they were in the store. When I came home I was sometimes asked if I had brought a candy, but I always forgot this. Many people say that sugar is bad for you. I tend to disagree. Too much sugar and sweets isn’t good, but anything that says “too” isn’t good for you, I think. I think that if people buy a bag of candy here and make a conscious choice, they are much more economical with sweets than if you buy a large bag at the supermarket. You put your hand in it and before you know it the bag is empty without you enjoying it.

What does your lifestyle look like?

Movement is key, but at the moment I’m taking it a bit easier. I have had corona and since my recovery I am quickly exhausted. For now I stick to walking and do a 20 minute boot camp every morning. When the fatigue is gone, I start playing rugby and running again. I cook with lots of vegetables every day. I’m not a big fan of meat, but I do make it for my husband and sons. We don’t have a snack day. We do eat pizza now and then, but we make it ourselves because we like it better. I also think it’s important to enjoy. At the weekend I like to drink a beer or wine. I don’t give myself a maximum on how many glasses I can drink.

Are you at your target weight?

No, I am three kilos above my target weight. I don’t see this as a problem, because I feel great in my own skin. I’ve never done diets. If you have to be very strict with yourself, then achieving goals becomes more difficult. Only eating less is not the solution, but more exercise with your diet is. I don’t believe in sinning either. Nothing has to be right or wrong. If I feel like grabbing a candy, for example, I will. If I notice that I have too many sweets and gain weight, I eat less rice or pasta for dinner and supplement this with vegetables.

What is your golden tip for a healthy life?

Positivity is the healthiest food! Sport keeps me fit and makes me happy. I especially recommend exercising outside. It always makes me happy to receive a greeting from other athletes while exercising. A happy life is a healthy life!

What’s the dirtiest candy you’ve ever eaten?

That so-called ‘healthy candy’. I really don’t like it and I don’t sell it. A candy is a candy and if you want something healthy, you eat a bell pepper or piece of cucumber. Why do people have to fool themselves with fake candy?”

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