Roope Salminen comments on headlines about himself on Yelle

Roope Salminen has decided not to publicly comment on matters concerning his private life.

On Yelle, Roope Salminen takes a stand on the headlines about him that have been seen in the media in recent years. Rosa Bröijer

Presenter and musician Roope Salminen says Ylen Gogi in the kantabari program Constantinos “Gogi” Mavromichalis in an interview about his thoughts regarding the headlines written about him. In the episode, a journalist visits with Salminen Ina Mikkola.

In the program, Gogi boldly brings up the headlines that have been seen about him in the media over the years.

– Tell me Roope, what is it that every time I read something about Su, there is some really schizophrenic person in it? Gogi shakes Salmi.

Even though the question comes out of the blue, Salminen doesn’t think long about his answer.

– The great word artist Paperi T has stated that: “Don’t do any shit, and nothing shit will happen”. Probably, if black has a lot of lops, it’s probably my own fault. It’s probably pointless for me to start blaming the media or anything else, says Salminen.

However, he admits that sometimes the burden of publicity has been heavy to bear.

– Of course, it’s a bit frustrating at times, maybe, that certain things take such turns, which may not be quite true. But when he has chosen such a line that he doesn’t comment on his private life as a pig, of course it hurts a bit, Salminen states.

At times, it has been difficult for Salmi to not comment on the commotion.

– Sometimes I would like to say that hey, this is how it was said, it really went like this, he states.

When Gogi asks if Salmi has a habit of correcting rumours, the answer is unequivocal.

– I don’t own them, Salminen answers.

Gogi’s stand-up bar can be seen in Areena and on TV2 channel at 21:50. You can find all program information at Telku.
