Roof truss fire in Kaulsdorf – Three families lose their homes

Fire in the night of Sunday: meter-high flames hit a roof in Berlin-Kaulsdorf shortly before midnight. The roof truss fire spreads to the entire residential building.

It is shortly before midnight when the residents of a residential building in Kaulsdorfer Schmidtstrasse are roused from their night’s sleep.

A loud bang penetrates the residential building. Shortly thereafter, meter-high flames erupted from the roof structure. Residents can get to safety as much as possible. However, one person was trapped by the flames and had to be rescued by the fire brigade with a safety cushion and a jump from the third floor.

In the end there are three people who have to be rescued from the building and treated by the emergency services.

The flames are shooting out of the roof (Photo: Spreepicture)
The flames are shooting out of the roof (Photo: Spreepicture)

According to BZ information, the family of a fireman is among the residents. He immediately interrupts his duty at a Berlin police station and rushes to his family to offer assistance.

The fire brigade extinguishes from above (Photo: Spreepicture)
The fire brigade extinguishes from above (Photo: Spreepicture)

The rapid spread of the fire could no longer be stopped, despite rapid extinguishing. The flames literally ate their way through the roof truss and floors.

About 70 firefighters were deployed to fight the fire. But for the belongings of three families, any help comes too late.

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The cause of fire is not discovered yet. All those affected were taken to hospital with minor to moderate injuries.
