Ronnie Tober joins the discussion about Eva Jinek: ‘Not fair’

Has everything been said and written about Eva Jinek’s return to the NPO? No. After two months, Ronnie Tober also joins the discussion. “It’s just not fair.”


The news that Eva Jinek is returning from RTL to the NPO has been known for two months now. What is clear so far? She does not yet have a successor on the late evening of RTL 4 and she will probably make a daily talk show for AvroTros at the same time as Khalid & Sophie, the left-wing talk show of BNNVARA. And that causes resentment.

Ronnie critical

Sophie Hilbrand in particular is now constantly completely stressed in front of the camera, shouting that she can’t get clarity. Completely over the top. And in the meantime she feels Eva’s hot breath on her neck. That’s almost coming and according to the AD she will deftly kick Sophie out after next summer.

Eva hijacking Khalid & Sophie’s time slot? Ronnie Tober thinks it’s mean. The singer of hits such as Rozen Voor Sandra and Marijke from Krabbendijke Story know that he finds this indecent.

“Stop Eva!”

Ronnie believes that the NPO top should stop such a television hijacking. “The audience is used to Khalid & Sophie at that time. It wouldn’t be fair to have Eva replace them.”

Now that the Story speaks to him, is there anyone else at the cloverjack table? Yes, Saskia & Serge also want to say something. They think that Eva should go to seven o’clock. “Yes. Eva is great as long as there are relevant experts in the program. And in terms of late talk shows, no one can compete with Today Inside.”

New time

Marijke Helwegen is on the same prominent panel of Story and advises Eva to find her own place. “I think it would be better for her to be given a new time, so that she can bring her own style to the program and not be compared to her predecessors.”

A bad idea, Viola Holt concludes. “It’s the best place for Eva.”
