Ronald Molendijk points out the irritation factor of Tim Hofman

The case against the man who wanted to kill Tim Hofman is in full swing. It was also mentioned yesterday in Shownieuws, where expert Ronald Molendijk pointed out Tim’s irritation factor.


On the evening of September 6, Christiaan T. walked into the BNNVARA building with a converted gas pistol. There he told a security guard that he wanted to shoot Tim Hofman. There appears to be psychological problems. “Did it have to do with the type of programs that Tim Hofman makes?” asks Ronald Molendijk Show news.

Tim too woke?

Joris Peters, crime reporter for, says: “Tim himself made a program about it and he read the lost. It shows that he is too woke, too left-wing. He blames Tim for that. There are a few more reasons. I don’t think he is allowed to see his children anymore and he partly blames Tim for that.”

Ronald then starts talking about Tim’s irritation factor. “You are a crime reporter and I am a big fan of Tim’s programs, that YouTube series, but in the last few months there has actually been a kind of ‘funny’ feeling when they cannot catch the instigator of a problem.”


At those moments Tim behaves very irritating, Ronald thinks. “Then they go to a manager’s door or someone who still has to pay money. Then there is also a kind of… They joke about that a bit jokingly or something like that. Also with those stamps in the picture all the time. How do you look at that?”

Joris: “Well, his way of doing journalism, you mean? That’s not my way of journalism, but hey, it has a completely different purpose. I think he wants to expose problems. These are, for example, slum landlords and such. He seeks them out and confronts them, because the victims cannot do that.”


Show expert Bart Ettekoven thinks that Tim mainly uses all those crazy stamps to appeal to young people. “I think it’s young. I have the feeling that it is really made for a young target group, that’s why all those stamps.”

Ronald: “Yes, but I can also imagine that for someone who receives such a stamp or is put away a bit like this, it also arouses some kind of resistance.”

Tooske Ragas: “Yes, but you can also answer that in a journalistic way instead of with a weapon.”
