Ronald Molendijk falls through the basket, laughed at by Qmusic bobo

Ronald Molendijk: is he on television because he is a music expert or the best friend of TV bobo Erland Galjaard? The first option is in any case out of the question, says Qmusic bobo Rob Ester.

© SBS 6

He always has the highest word at the Shownieuws desk: Ronald Molendijk. He has strong opinions about everything and pretends to be an expert on music. But is that actually true? Qmusic bobo Rob Ester strongly doubts that; he laughs at the “expertise” of this midlife DJ.

Hip hop and R&B

Ronald was allowed in last night Show news analyze why little hip-hop and R&B is played on Dutch radio. “I would actually like to recommend to the radio stations: look a little further than your nose is long and check it out.”

Colleague Bart Ettekoven: “Don’t all those stations have listening panels?”

Five or six numbers

Yes, what about those listening panels? Ronald says he knows. “Let’s explain: a station like 538 does indeed have about ten, twenty people spread across the country who call them every week and then they offer five or six numbers.”

He continues: “Then people can say whether they think it is a 7 or an 8 and then the station thinks it knows how big it is, but at the same time that is also a bit of an outdated model if you know that The Weeknd is just stiff at the top in the Netherlands as the most streamed artist.”

‘What nonsense!’

What nonsense, responds Rob Ester, head of music at Qmusic. “Dear Ronald Molendijk (alias ‘music expert’), from now on check with your colleagues at 538 how they do music research before you (‘as a music expert’) SELL SO MUCH NONSENSE! Really true. Never heard so much BS. Not even from you,” he tweeted.

‘BS’ is an abbreviation for ‘bullsh*t’, an English swear word that refers to a bull’s excrement. “What did he sell this time?” asks artist manager Adriaan Pels.


Atze de Vries, music journalist for 3VOOR12, answers instead of Rob. He says: “A l*lstory about how radio stations test music and why they turn a blind eye to popular hip-hop.”

Rob claims to get a headache from Ronald. “Real. That man.”

One Casper: “Why on earth is this man still being flown in for these kinds of items?”


Rob’s angry tweet:
