Ronald Koeman critical of Brian Brobbey: ‘Then I wonder what you do at the clubs where you played’ | Dutch football

with videoRonald Koeman is not exactly impressed by Brian Brobbey. In the run-up to the upcoming international match, the national coach of the Dutch national team joined us Rondo. In it he talked a lot about Orange. Matthijs de Ligt, Wout Weghorst, Luuk de Jong, Frenkie de Jong, Tijjani Reijnders and Virgil van Dijk were discussed.

“I still hope that he develops further,” Koeman said about Ajax player Brian Brobbey. “We had him there in the previous international match and you can see that his first assumption and the way he finishes are not good. Then I wonder what you do at the clubs where you played. John Bosman, with all due respect, must then become the striker coach he is looking forward to. As a trainer you will work extra hard on this, right? Good finishing can be trained.”

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At the table Rondo Koeman, who will play the European Championship qualifiers with Ireland and Gibraltar with the Dutch team next week, said that he had watched a lot of football in recent days. “Nowadays football is played every day. Then I use an iPad and television to watch the internationals. We make a schedule every Tuesday for those who watch what. I don’t go to many matches, because then you only see one match.”

That is why the national coach believes he has already completed his selection for the coming international match, with a little effort. “I’ve already figured it out. But it has happened before that something changes at the last minute. I have sometimes been watching Barcelona against Real Madrid on a Sunday evening and saw Frenkie de Jong get injured. Then you swear a bit. Because he is of course very important.”

Impressed by Matthijs de Ligt

Koeman was asked if he shares much of his own experience as a player. “I find it completely irrelevant to tell those players what I have achieved. What’s nice is that I once drove to a press conference before an international match. I was sitting in the back of the car with Matthijs de Ligt. He was just completely aware of everything from my period. From Romário to Stoichkov. I think that’s quite unique. That almost never happens in his generation.”

However, I still think Virgil can do better

Ronald Koeman

However, due to an injury, De Ligt will once again not be available for the next international match. That was a bitter pill for Koeman. “I have a very good relationship with him. He is a super nice guy to work with. He is self-critical and made of the right stuff. He is also really disappointed that he now has to cancel again.”

Koeman called Luuk de Jong

Koeman then moved to the striker discussion. Luuk de Jong previously thanked the Dutch team, but later seemed to be closed to set it ajar again. “I called him afterwards. He once again said that he would like some rest during the international break. He should have said more loudly that he is not available. We have now agreed that he will call me if anything changes. Then I will decide whether to call him up.”

Criticism point Virgil van Dijk

Koeman also sees good development in his captain Virgil van Dijk. “He has gone through a bad period. In recent international matches I thought he was the old Virgil again. However, I still think he can do better. One point of criticism I think is that he could be even more of a leader. But the contact between us is very good. And within the group he really has the upper hand.”

Koeman impressed by Feyenoord
Koeman also paid compliments to Feyenoord. “Feyenoord is playing very well. Slot and his staff do a good job. The intensity is especially impressive. With the Dutch team we notice that the Feyenoorders have difficulty adapting when something different is asked than what has been established there. But you also reap the benefits.”

In recent months, Koeman has repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with the toughness within his selection. He still hopes that will change. “That match against Italy in the Nations League, for example, when Donyell Malen was asleep twice. As Dumfries, who stood behind it, I would never have accepted that. The mentality has changed. Players no longer speak to each other about this. I don’t think that’s right.”

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This is the position in the Dutch group for the European Championship qualification

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