Ron Brandsteder right after missed radio show: ‘This is an excuse’

Ron Brandsteder has been found again after he missed his own radio show on Friday evening. Broadcaster MAX states that something has gone wrong with the schedules, but his ex Patty Brard does not believe that.

© SBS 6, Janita Sassen

Extremely curious: Ron Brandsteder did not show up for his own program on NPO Radio 5 on Friday evening. Her colleague Angela Groothuizen was flown in to take over and she was vague about Ron’s absence, very vague. So vague that even the listeners started asking questions about it.

“Ron was lost!”

Where Angela at one point just pretended that Ron was on vacation, that turns out not to be entirely true. Now Omroep MAX comes up with the statement that something just went wrong ‘with the schedules’.

It was touched on in Shownieuws last night by Patty Brard, Ron’s ex-girlfriend, with whom she has had wild adventures. “Ron was lost.”

Evert Santegoeds teasingly: “Then you must have had a déjà vu, I think, didn’t you?”

Total panic

Patty laughs: “Yes, he has not come home before, but now he was not at work, and then of course it has consequences. There was some panic.”

It is not very common for a presenter not to show up for his own program. “So he wasn’t there and there was total panic, because nobody knew where he was and then Angela Groothuizen unexpectedly had to take over that show. In the end it turns out that nothing is wrong at all, but that is not new either.”

Something with schedules

Evert: “There was something wrong with the schedule or something?”

Yes, says Patty, but she doesn’t believe that at all. “There was something with the schedule, but nothing ever goes wrong with a schedule here, so I don’t believe it. I think that’s just saying, ‘There was something wrong with the schedule.’”

And Patty should know as Ron’s ex. In addition, he and his son Rick have a certain reputation. “I think he just wasn’t there. I think so.”

Patty conveniently leaves the reason in the middle.
