Romina Power remembers Ylenia: Mom is always waiting for you all the love of a mother for her daughter in the Instagram post that Romina Power dedicated to Ylenia Carrisi. The eldest daughter of the singer, born from the marriage with Al Bano, is disappeared in 1993 under mysterious circumstances never quite cleared up in New Orleans. But Romina she never gave up on the idea of ​​never seeing her again. And on social media he sends her the most tender of messages.

Romina Power and the post for Ylenia

A snapshot of mother and daughter, side by side, and words that perfectly describe the state of mind of a mother who does not know what happened to her daughter: “Ylenia, my dear, I want you to know that your mother is always waiting for you! With love“. Romina she never accepted the separation from her firstborn born on November 29, 1970. Not even after the declaration of death by the court of Brindisi following the presentation of an application by Al Bano.

The mystery of Ylenia Carrisi

Disappeared in December 1993, Ylenia was in New Orleans. Her last phone call with her parents was on December 31st. Then silence and the start of the investigation. Several people who had seen her in the last few days were heard, including a street artist and a night watchman who claimed to have seen Ylenia throw herself into the Mississippi.

Al Bano, Romina and their eldest daughter Ylenia as a child, while eating cotton candy, in the seventies. (Ipa)

His body was never found. And perhaps also for this reason Romina Power still hopes to see her again. His case was also dealt with during the broadcast Who has seen? but to no avail. Just like the numerous reports and false testimonies have led to no results. Yet, mother Romina does not give up. And she keeps hoping.

Messages from followers

The reaction of the followers who gathered around the singer in a big virtual hug was immediate. “I can understand so well your hope of seeing Ylenia again someday. I wish you with all my heart »wrote one user. And again: «How sweet you are Romina». In addition to many, many hearts. Because in some cases words are not enough.

