Rome-Verona, Caprari returns to “his” Olympic

With 9 goals in 22 appearances, the forward is having his best season in Serie A and tomorrow he will try to hurt the Giallorossi again, who has already “hit” 4 times in 11 comparisons

The first time that Gianluca Caprari’s name was in the newspapers was 2008, the month of January. At the time, the fourteen-year-old boy from the youth sector, a ball boy, infuriated Zamparini, president of Palermo, and Spalletti went mad with joy for the speed with which he returned the ball from a lineout, effectively serving Taddei who, in turn, served Amantino Mancini for a goal. Who knows if that day Caprari imagined that in the end he would be able to make a career in Serie A, far from Rome, finding in this season a continuity never had.

Super season

Nine goals, 22 appearances, which triggered the obligation of redemption by Verona, a sprained ankle easily overcome, a great desire to explode. Because at the age of 28 it’s his time and he dreams of overcoming the 13 goals scored in the championship in Pescara. It was Serie B, six years of ups and downs have passed and tomorrow Caprari shows up in “his of him” Olympic against “his of him” Rome, who has already scored 4 goals in 11 games, including the first leg of this championship.

Romanist memories

Montella made his debut in Serie A, Luis Enrique considered him a good and smart boy and asked him to have patience, which would make him grow calmly, but he did not want to hear reasons and asked to go on loan because he wanted to play continuously. .

Dreaming of blue

Satisfied, from that moment he began his tour of Italy: Inter buys him but turns him back on loan, they never manage to find trust and continuity until this season, when they even dream of the national team. For a period he was part of Totti’s team, now he is followed by the former striker Simone Pepe and who knows if his maturity is not also thanks to the arrival, last April, of little Mattia, had by his girlfriend Morena. They live in Verona, the city that he conquered them and in which he seems to have found his definitive consecration. “In reality – said former Roma captain Giuseppe Giannini, who had him in his football school – it took a while to explode. But from an early age he understood that he was the best of all “.
