Rome: ticket of the final in Tirana to the fans present in Bodo

The club will give a free ticket for the final to supporters who took on the away match and the historic defeat in Norway. The other 5 thousand tickets through a lottery for subscribers only

Roma rightly chose to reward the 166 fans who were in Bodo on an October night to witness a historic defeat, a 6-1 hard to forget. The club will give them the ticket for the final in Tirana, all the other subscribers will participate in a competition. This was announced by the Giallorossi club immediately after the semifinal.

Coupon hunting

It goes without saying that the hunt for the ticket for the final act of the Conference has already started in Rome, with air flights skyrocketing. About 5 thousand tickets available: the Giallorossi club has decided to proceed in this way. “Considering the limited availability of the stadium (played on Wednesday 25 May at 9 pm at the Arena Kombëtare in Tirana, ed), the club has decided to grant only subscribers the other tickets available: from 9 to 13 on Friday 6 May, in fact, they will be able to register for a competition. The lucky winners will receive a unique code and a useful link to obtain a free ticket from UEFA. The link to the portal will be communicated to the fans in the email which will also contain the won code. email, the winners will be able to request the ticket immediately. The Uefa portal will be active until 6 pm on Tuesday 10 May. After this deadline it will no longer be possible to request the ticket “.
