Rome, the takeover bid has been successfully closed: now the club will exit the stock exchange

The Friedkins have come to touch 96% of the capital: it was enough to reach 95% for the delisting that will take place by September

The comparison is more or less this: as Mourinho reported, after years, a trophy in Trigoria, with the same commitment, behind the desks, clubs and executives have succeeded in their intent: Rome is ready to exit the stock market. The takeover bid promoted by the majority shareholder, the Friedkin Group, went through, reaching almost 96% of the capital (95% had to be reached). There has been a big push in the last two days, also thanks to the communication campaign of the club that involved newspapers, TV, radio and social networks, and in the end the membership was massive: two and a half million would have been enough. shares to complete the takeover bid, almost 8 were sold. For this reason, in the Eur offices, in those of Trigoria and in Portugal today we celebrate: the future that awaits Rome is a future in which the Friedkins will be able to build a a company that is even leaner, more dynamic and without the structural costs of the Stock Exchange. After more than 20 years in Piazza Affari, a historic turning point, arrived thanks to the shareholders who have given an enormous signal of trust to the property and for this, sincere thanks arrive from Rome.

What happens now

Now, in the evening, a formal statement will be sent to Consob, while on Monday the “squeeze out” plan will be communicated and by September, perhaps even earlier, Roma will be a private company. Those who have kept the shares, not believing in the takeover bid, will take the economic premium at 0.45 euros, but will not be entitled to the “Loyalty program”: no benefit, therefore, no possibility of entering the world of Rome through the main door. That of passion, not the economic one. Which then is the heart of the innovative program wanted by the company for the delisting which, in any case, would have been there, with a plan already approved by Consob. There was, however, no need to wait for Christmas: the gift, for the property, arrived earlier. And from today Rome enters a new era, all to be discovered. Given how it has gone so far, in less than two years of Friedkin ownership, the Romanists can’t wait to find out.
