Rome, Svilar has landed in Fiumicino

The 22-year-old Serbian-Belgian goalkeeper, taken on a free transfer by Benfica, will sign a five-year contract

Mile Svilar arrived in Rome this morning, a goalkeeper of Serbian-Belgian origin who Roma has registered on a free transfer from Benfica (compensation was paid to the Portuguese club for a matter of relations). He will be Rui Patricio’s deputy and will not have to undergo medical examinations because they have already been done in recent weeks. He will sign a five-year contract and will try to take advantage of Rui Patricio’s experience and the possibilities that Mourinho will give him.

The choice

Svilar, 22, one of the first boys that Pinto brought to Lisbon when he was working at Benfica, was chosen by the Roma GM in agreement with Mourinho, who faced him years ago with Manchester: “This boy is really talented”, the his words back then. Serbian with Belgian citizenship (he was born in Antwerp) arrives, initially, as deputy to Rui Patricio and then plays his cards and, perhaps, becomes his heir.
