Rome: Solbakken, the reinforcement never used by Mourinho

The exclusion from the UEFA list for the Europa League is the latest rejection for the Norwegian who has only played 3′ with the Giallorossi so far

The expectation was certainly not to immediately become an immovable holder. But who knows what Ola Solbakken would have answered if, on January 1st, he had been asked how much he would have expected to play during his first month as a Roma player. In fact, so far the striker has practically never been used by José Mourinho who – in the quarter-final of the Coppa Italia lost against Cremonese – preferred to rely on the young Cristian Volpato rather than the number 18 who arrived on a free transfer from Bodo Glimt. “He needs time, he played in a different kind of football. When he played he never touched the ball and I don’t want to risk it, but he has talent” declared the Special One after the victory over Spezia, when the Norwegian entered the field during the last clock lap of the match. In total there are just 3 minutes accumulated by the class of ’98, played in the recovery time of the matches with Fiorentina and – precisely – Spezia.

another mockery

For the Norwegian yesterday evening was probably the most bitter since his arrival in Italy. After receiving the UEFA communication which forced Roma to exclude one of the new additions from the list of European cups, the Giallorossi company decided to cut Solbakken. A choice dictated by technical reasons given that, having to exclude one of the new grafts (Wijnaldum and Llorente were also in the running), in Trigoria they preferred to give up a striker given the abundance of the Romanist offensive department. Leaving one of the latest arrivals “on foot” who, at this point, will watch the Europa League playoffs with Salzburg as a spectator.

Solbakken’s parable is also surprising most of the fans who, after seeing him play during the last edition of the Conference League, seemed to have appreciated Roma’s choice to bet on a promising player at a reduced cost. In fact, Tiago Pinto had started negotiating the player with his agents as early as November 2021, after the 2-2 draw between Rome and Bodo Glimt which took place at the Olimpico. Last summer, however, a timid attempt was made at Fulvio Bernardini – rejected by Bodo – with the player who, in great secrecy, had gone to the capital together with his agent to discuss the terms of the agreement with his future team. In November, however, Solbakken had finally landed in Fiumicino – welcomed by reporters and photographers – to officially join the Friedkin club, waiting to begin his new adventure in Italy. More than two months later, however, the ’98 class is still waiting for the right opportunity to start demonstrating his value in Serie A as well.
