Rome, season tickets fly: over 21 thousand cards

The Giallorossi people are responding en masse to the campaign for next season: the goal of 30 thousand is affordable, a goal that has not been crossed for 17 years (it was 2004/05, 33. 266 season tickets)

It was practically taken for granted, given the trend of recent days and given that with the victory of the Conference the enthusiasm is skyrocketing, but today, less than ten days before the opening, Roma has exceeded 21 thousand season tickets. An important number because at 21 thousand it had closed last season. It is clear that there was still the Covid emergency, the stadiums partially open and everything the world was experiencing, but today’s data still tells a little about a square that overflows with love for Mourinho and all of Rome.

Endless party

Subscribers have renewed practically all, now the impression is that the endless party of the last few hours will result in a new surge in subscriptions. This means reaching at least 30 thousand passes, a goal that has not been cut for 17 years (it was 2004/05, 33. 266 season tickets). The record dates back to the year after the Scudetto, with 47 thousand cards. But the Olimpico is already, in some ways, small due to the passion of the Roma fans, considering that this year’s 41,908 fans represent an average that Roma hadn’t done since 2004/05 (49,631).
