Rome-Salzburg 2-0: goals from Belotti, Dybala, Europa League playoffs

After a 0-1 draw in Austria, the Giallorossi dominated the second leg of the Europa League playoffs and went through. The two goals in the first half, both on an assist from Spinazzola

Spinazzola’s sprints and Belotti’s and Dybala’s goals. With this magic formula, Roma beat Salzburg 2-0, erasing the (undeserved) defeat of the first leg and reaching the round of 16 of the Europa League. A clear and deserved 2-0, with the usual super Dybala and a sparkling Spinazzola, like in the good old days of the European Championship. Belotti’s desire, Matic’s malice, Zalewski’s and Pellegrini’s quality took care of the rest. All in an Olimpico full of love, now at its 24th sold out of the season.

golden thorn

Mourinho plays the Dybala card from the start, while Abraham has to raise the white flag due to the wound on his left cheekbone. The Olimpico is a bedlam, ideal for pushing Roma into port. After just 4′ of the game, however, it’s good for Ibanez (yellow card, he was cautioned), who belts Adamu launched into the net. Having escaped the danger, Rome organizes itself and begins to grind the game. Dybala dances on the ball like an elusive elf, Zalewski and Spinazzola on the wings push like a beauty and Matic in the middle growls at every ball. Because apart from a goal scored in the area by Kjaergaard, it is practically only Roma who are playing. Kohn first removes a first shot from Dybala from the crossing, who then tries again and hits the crossbar. Ibanez tries from outside (just wide), Dybala is still dangerous in the area on two occasions and Kohn says no to Pellegrini from outside. But the yellow and red intensity is very high, Salzburg doesn’t know where to go to stop. So it happens that Spinazzola turns on the turbo twice and first gives the assist to Belotti and then makes an encore with Dybala: Gallo’s goal is from pure center forward, Joya’s is the usual chocolate. And then at 2-0 you can be even more relaxed (after 45′ of play the shot tally reads 9-2 for Roma), waiting for the break.

in the safe

So Jaissle tries to give his team more verve by inserting Sucic for Kjaergaard. Adamu conceded the right ball on a nap from Ibanez, Spinazzola (yellow) then risks a high elbow on Capaldo. The match is more balanced, also because Roma stopped pushing full throttle to avoid giving the Austrians a field. Cristante however makes himself dangerous from outside, while on the other side there are a couple of unrealistic attempts by Adamu and Okafor. Then it’s Pellegrini who tries in vain on a restart, a scheme that becomes Roma’s game plan to secure victory. Ulmer tries from afar, an exhausted Belotti tries yet another extension with a weak shot. And then the last thrill came in the 4th minute of added time, with Solet trying from 30 meters but without hitting the goal. Roma brings home a beautiful and well-deserved victory and now we’re going to play the round of 16 of the Europa League.
