Rome, Pellegrini: personalized work – La Gazzetta dello Sport

The Giallorossi captain takes advantage of the break to find the best possible condition for the return. Accompanying him on this path is his personal staff consisting of a physiotherapist, osteopath, dentist and nutritionist

Destiny is what, in the past, and with all the differences of the case, Francesco Totti and Daniele De Rossi suffered: if you are the captain of Rome, Roman and Romanist, you are always under the magnifying glass. And when things don’t turn out the right way, the criticisms are greater, and even more ruthless, than the others. Lorenzo Pellegrini is the clear example of all this: because it is true that he scored just one goal, missing even a penalty, while last year he was at six, but it is also true that he played a whole match against Atalanta feeling badly. (flexor problem), who is the Roma player who, in Serie A, runs the most after Cristante (and is eighth overall in the league for kilometers traveled) and is, even before Dybala, the Giallorossi player who has made the most key passes . There are 19 in 7 games, third in the overall ranking of the championship. These data highlight two aspects: that Lorenzo is doing well and is decisive for Roma but that, so far, he has lacked a bit of badness (and luck) in the final decision.

the work in trigoria

He is the first to know, he wants and must find himself in this too: the missing goal, the muscular problem and the change of roles have inevitably taken away a bit of serenity, but Pellegrini is working to ensure that, from here to the break, everything can be solved. How? Meanwhile, today and tomorrow, together with the other injured, he will train in Trigoria (gym and physiotherapy) before having the weekend free. Then, with Zaniolo’s return to full capacity, he will play steadily in the middle of the field: he will struggle a little more in coverage perhaps, he will have to run even more, but he will be able to become increasingly familiar with the role. Finally, he will continue to work with his personal staff who support him to customize the work he already does in Rome. In this, completely, Pellegrini is following the path of Totti who managed to play until the age of 41 and had to fight with traumatic but almost never muscular injuries. How did he do it? Working a lot off the pitch.

Lorenzo’s staff

Pellegrini has, in addition to the professionals of Rome, also a nutritionist, a personal osteopath (Maurizio Mafrica, collaborator of Coni), a physiotherapist and trainer (who in the past also collaborated with Federer, Piergiorgio Luciani) and a dentist who helps him at postural (Daniele Puzzilli). All people who are part of the Roma captain’s daily life, whom he trusts and who are invaluable in coordinating with the Giallorossi staff. Thanks also to them Pellegrini wants to go back to being that decisive player who last year made even the most skeptical ones think again: Roma, considering also the difficulties in the goal area, needs its captain. And the captain is ready to answer this.
