Rome, Mourinho show: golden period between comebacks and empty infirmary

Olimpico practically sold out in view of Leicester for the Conference League semifinal, the Giallorossi are experiencing a magical period of positive results, possible goals and a coach who manages to compact the whole environment

Perhaps the number that best describes Mourinho’s real Rome is this: now, in the last hours of pre-emption season ticket for Rome-Leicester on May 5, there are over 20,000 people queuing up. Which means that the Olimpico is likely to be sold out already today, a week before the first leg. This is due, of course, to the company’s pricing policy, but also to a team and a coach who, week after week, have increasingly involved the fans. The numbers compared to last year say something: the points more than in 2021 are still few (3), in the cup for now the result is more or less the same (Europa League semifinal with Fonseca and Conference with Mou) but the perception is different, opposite. That was a team in total disarmament, this is instead completely compact around its manager.


And, even in this case, the numbers prove it: Roma are the team that scored the most goals after the 90 ‘(7), who play the most minutes in Serie A (97’ and 52 ”on average, of which over 50 actual game) and that in the last two months is undefeated. He hasn’t lost in twelve rounds, in 2022 out of 20 games he lost only 4 (two of which in the cup between the Italian Cup and the Conference League) and this continuity is involving the Roma players. Mourinho gave Roma physical security (last year, these days, there were 7 injured) since the whole group is available, including Spinazzola, and mental: Roma never collapse, they almost always manage to bring home matches even in the final.


Cristante’s equal to Sassuolo in the 94th minute, the comeback at the Olimpico against Verona in the last half hour with the goals of the kids Bove and Volpato, Abraham’s last second winning goal against Spezia, the same as Pellegrini’s photo finish against Udinese, the comeback in the last 10 ‘against Salernitana and the equal of Naples: all moments and photographs of a period in which Mourinho can say that he has finally found the square of the circle. He constantly talks about family, the players, even off the pitch, are united and compact as they have not been seen for some time and even those who, perhaps, are not very happy with the playing time, as normal, are still completely integrated into the group. And this comes to people. This is why, for Rome-Leicester, there will be sold out, as well as with Bologna and Venice in the league, with thousands of requests also from abroad and from the rest of Italy. But the feeling is that the Romanists will leave very little at the disposal of others.
