Rome, Mourinho can rejoice: not only the renewal of Smalling, a young Dutch talent blocked | First page

Roma celebrates a well-deserved qualification for the semi-finals of the Europa League after a super performance against Feyenoord but not only. In the immediate pre-race Smalling announced the renewal until 2025: “I’m very close to signing the renewal, there will be news soon”. Mourinho can smile for the confirmation of a pillar but also for the increasingly probable arrival of a young Dutch defender with good hopes.

BLOCKED – In recent days, Tiago Pinto has practically closed the negotiation for a young right-footed defender from Zwolle born in 2004, a Dutch team in the second division. We are talking about Rav van den Berg, central of 191 cm also followed with great attention by Ajax. His agents, who follow the Dutchman from Bologna Schouten in Italy, have given their word to Roma.

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MEDICAL VISITS – Find confirmation of the indiscretion relaunched by Cusano TV on a shot of perspective for Mourinho. There would be more: van den Berg would have already carried out the medical tests on behalf of Roma in the Netherlands. Now Tiago Pinto will decide, in the coming days, whether to close another operation well in advance as already done with the Lyon midfielder Aouar.
