Rome in July, news from India and San Paolo

Formula E unveiled the schedule for Season 9: away January 14 from Mexico City. Rome confirms the double appointment, but no longer in April, it will be July 15 and 16, potentially decisive for the title. A total of 18 races in 13 cities, a new championship record

Mario Salvini


June 29

Season 8 has yet to enter its hot and decisive phase, and indeed the next race will go on track between Friday and Saturday in Marrakech, but Formula E is already looking forward to 2023, Season 9, the one in which the cars of third place will make their debut. generation, the Gen3, even faster and more performing. While the teams and drivers are moving to Morocco, the calendar for the championship has in fact been released in which the new teams will include the arrivals of two new teams, McLaren and, above all, Maserati. Well, let’s start immediately with the news that matters most to us: the Rome E-prix. Which remains on the calendar, with a double-header, that is with two races, as already this year and in 2021. The novelty is that it will be much later in the calendar, it will be in the height of summer, on 15 and 16 July. In practice they will be the fourth last and third last game of the championship, given that after Rome there will be only the grand final in London, on 29 and 30 July. It means that the Eur races could also be decisive for the assignment of the ninth title in the electric category. Or in any case much more delicate.

Rome central event

Considerations that make the Italian event more and more central. Which, after all, is one of the by now traditional events of the championship, as well as one of the most loved by the drivers. And not only by Mitch Evans, as perhaps it might immediately come to mind, in consideration of the fact that the Jaguar driver has won three Roman races out of the six disputed (and in another he retired while he was in command): one unusual regularity in Formula E.

The start from Mexico, record of races

Among the other news is the number of events that will be 18 in all, in 13 cities around the world: numbers that exceed the primacy of the championship, belonging to Season 8, the one in progress in which 16 races are run in 10 cities. Another rather epochal change is the start of the season: which will no longer be in Saudi Arabia, as happened in recent years, but in Mexico City, at Hermanos Rodriguez, on January 14, 2023. As already this year, therefore, the calendar will not be between two years as it happened before the pandemic, but we can talk about Season 2023 toutcourt.

Here is india

Ad-Diriyah, a town on the outskirts of Riyadh, in Saudi Arabia, will be the second round, with a double race on 27 and 28 January. There are two unpublished locations: Hyderabad, in India (11 February) for the happiness of Mahindra, and San Paolo, Brazil (25 March). Two other classics confirmed, Monte Carlo and Berlin: the German capital therefore remains the only location where the race took place in all nine seasons. After this year’s debuts, they will also return to Jakarta and Seoul. At the moment I am out of Paris, as already in 2022, New York, where instead we will race in two weeks, the same Marrakech, where the paddock is moving in these hours, as well as Vancouver, initially scheduled this year and then out of the calendar . But it is not even said, because not everything has been defined yet, there are three E-prixes (all singles) to be assigned, on February 25, March 11 and June 24.

The calendar formula e 2023

So this is the (provisional) calendar for Season 9 of 2023

January 14 MEXICO CITY

January 27-28 AD-DIRIYAH (Saudi Arabia)

February 11th HYDERABAD (India)

February 25 To be defined

March 25 SAN PAOLO (Brazil)

April 22 BERLIN (Germany)

May 20-21 SEUL (South Korea)

3-4 June JAKARTA (Indonesia)

July 15-16 Rome Italy)

July 29-30 LONDON (Great Britain)
