Rome, derby: Friedkin dinner and toast with poker star friends

Dan and Ryan, usually very staid, succumbed to the joy of winning the derby. Sushi restaurant with Perkins and Gross

Power of the derby: in the end even Dan and Ryan Friedkin, who practically never show themselves and when they do are always more than staid, succumbed to emotion and joy after the victory against Lazio. First at the stadium (where above all the vice president Ryan had cheered like any fan) and then at dinner in a well-known sushi restaurant in the center where the whole family toasted and celebrated with friends.


It is the first time that the Friedkin have shown themselves this way and some friends have revealed them in this unprecedented role: Bill Perkins, poker enthusiast and author of the book “Die with zero”, and Jeff Gross, successful poker player and streamer in the States. With their respective companions they have been guests of the owners of Roma since the morning, they went to the stadium and then to dinner. Showing an unprecedented side of Friedkin and above all of Ryan, 32, increasingly involved in the new adventure undertaken almost two years ago.
