Rome, banner in Trigoria: “United towards glory. Let’s rewrite history together” – – Latest As Roma football news – Interviews, photos and videos

Roma will face Sevilla in the Europa League final on Wednesday. In these hours the exodus of the Giallorossi towards Hungary begins

Just two days from one of the most important matches in the history of Rome, the fans show their support for the team. In the morning a banner appeared outside trigory. “United for glory… Together we rewrite history“, he reports. In these hours there are many Giallorossi who are leaving the capital to reach Budapest. Who by car, who by plane and who by bus. Skyrocketing prices and travel hours don’t stop fans who responded warmly to the most important call to arms of the season. In a very few hours, in fact, the tickets made available evaporated and there will also be those who will fly to Hungary without having the coupon in their hands. The twelfth man is ready to take the field and give the team the fundamental push to give their best in this very important match.
