Rome and the sheikh of Perugia. Serie A Noir, a column by Furio Zara

Adnan Adel Aref Al-Qaddumi Al-Shtewi expressed his desire to buy the Giallorossi: photos, interviews, radio crazy, stock market prices suspended. Pallotta had to open the deal, and from here the story leads to Cordigliano, to the counter of a bar …

Those were the times when the Arabs had started playing Risk with European football. They had taken PSG and Manchester City, the background noise almost everywhere was the rustle of petrodollars. The sheikh with the Keffiyeh, the mustache, the slippers, maybe even the saber and certainly the air of someone who hides the treasure of Scrooge Scrooge under his tunic became the central figure of the lobster crib, a messiah who brought cash as a dowry, attacking midfielders and cheap dreams.
